Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting

Question OPAA-02

Does your web-based interface support authentication, including standards-based single-sign-on (e.g., InCommon)?

High RiskYes
Compliant AnswerYes

Standard Guidance

EDUCAUSE provides no guidance here

Answering "NO"

Describe plans to support authentication in your web-based interface.

Answering "YES"

Describe or provide a reference to the supported types of SSO.

Reason for Question

This question is to set account management expectations for the institution. A system that can integrate with existing, vetted solutions has its advantages and may have less administrative overhead. Also, adherence to standards here gives credit to other standards-oriented questions/responses.

Follow-Up Inquiries

If a vendor indicates that a system is stand-alone and cannot integrate with community standards, follow up with maturity questions and ask about other commodity type functions or other system requirements your institution may have.

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