HECVAT Lite v3.0.6
Third Parties

Question HLTP-01

Will institutional data be shared with or hosted by any third parties? (e.g., any entity not wholly owned by your company is considered a third party)

High RiskNo
Compliant AnswerNo

Standard Guidance

The institution views hosted solutions such as AWS, Rackspace, Azure, and other PaaS/SaaS offerings as third parties. If services such as these are used in your environment, respond "Yes."

Answering "NO"

No need to answer HLTP-02 through 04

Answering "YES"

State each third party that institutional data will be shared with and/or hosted by and their level of responsibility.

Reason for Question

Management networks and end-user networks are often exclusive, with the intent of limiting access to elevated authorization tools. When a vendor states these networks are merged in operation, it should be met with elevated levels of concern. The focus of this question is to verify a common best practice in system management, allowing an institution to gain insight into a vendor's operating environment.

Follow-Up Inquiries

Verify if the vendor's practice is constrained by a technology or if it is just a best practice that is not adopted. In the case of constraints, ask for additional best practice implementation strategies that may compensate for the elevated risk(s).

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