HECVAT Lite v3.0.6

Question HLDC-03

Does the hosting provider have a SOC 2 Type 2 report available?

High RiskYes
Compliant AnswerYes

Standard Guidance

If not using a hosting provider, you are the hosting providor; answer accordingly.

Answering "NO"

EDUCAUSE provides no guidance here

Answering "YES"

Obtain the report if possible and add it to your submission.

Reason for Question

Understanding the ownership structure of the facility that will host institutional data is important for setting availability expectations and ensuring proper contract terms are in place to protect the institution due to use of third parties. If a vendor uses a third-party vendor to provide datacenter solutions, having that vendor's SOC 2 Type 2 provides additional insight. The ability to assess these "forth-party" vendors is based on your institution's resources. The vendor is responsible for providing this information; ensure that they handle their vendors properly.

Follow-Up Inquiries

Follow-up inquiries for additional vendor's SOC 2 Type 2 reports will be institution/implementation specific.

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