HECVAT Lite v3.0.6

Question HLDA-06

Do you have a media handling process that is documented and currently implemented that meets established business needs and regulatory requirements, including end-of-life, repurposing, and data sanitization procedures?

High RiskNo
Compliant AnswerYes

Standard Guidance

EDUCAUSE provides no guidance here

Answering "NO"

Provide a detailed summary of media handling processes that do exist.

Answering "YES"

Provide documented details of this process (link or attached).

Reason for Question

Managing media (and the data within) throughout its lifecycle is crucial to the protection of institutional data. The focus of this question is confidentiality, ensuring that media that may store institutional data is protected by well-established policy and procedure.

Follow-Up Inquiries

Vague responses to this question should be investigated further. Ask for additional documentation and verify that procedure (and possibly training) exists to ensure proper media handling activity.

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