HECVAT Lite v3.0.6
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting

Question HLAA-06

Do you allow the customer to specify attribute mappings for any needed information beyond a user identifier? (e.g., Reference eduPerson, ePPA/ePPN/ePE)

High RiskNo
Compliant AnswerYes

Standard Guidance

EDUCAUSE provides no guidance here

Answering "NO"

Describe plans to allow customers to specify attribute mappings.

Answering "YES"

EDUCAUSE provides no guidance here

Reason for Question

This questions allows an institution to know vendor system limitations and to help them gauge the resources (that may be needed to implement) required to successfully integrate the product/service with institution systems.

Follow-Up Inquiries

Follow-up inquiries for attirbute mapping requirements will be institution/implementation specific.

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