HECVAT Full v3.0.6
Vulnerability Scanning

Question VULN-06

Will you allow the institution to perform its own vulnerability testing and/or scanning of your systems and/or application, provided that testing is performed at a mutually agreed upon time and date?

High RiskYes
Compliant AnswerYes

Standard Guidance

EDUCAUSE provides no guidance here

Answering "NO"

Provide a brief summary for your response.

Answering "YES"

Provide reference to the process or procedure to setup security testing times and scopes.

Reason for Question

Many higher education institutions are capable of performing vulnerability assessments and/or penetration testing on their vendors' infrastructures. This question confirms the possibility of conducting these actions against the vendor's infrastructure.

Follow-Up Inquiries

Follow-up inquiries for vulnerability scanning and penetration testing will be institution/implementation specific.

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