HECVAT Full v3.0.6
Firewalls, IDS, IPS, and Networking

Question FIDP-02

Is authority for firewall change approval documented? Please list approver names or titles in Additional Info

High RiskNo
Compliant AnswerYes

Standard Guidance

EDUCAUSE provides no guidance here

Answering "NO"

Describe how firewall changes are approved.

Answering "YES"

List approver names or titles.

Reason for Question

Modifications to firewall rule sets can have significant repercussions. To ensure the integrity of the rule set, this question targets the individual (or responsible party) for changes and the reasoning behind their authority.

Follow-Up Inquiries

Ensure that a separation of duties exists in network security configurations. Pay close attention to responsibility overlap in small organizations, where staff often fill multiple roles.

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