HECVAT Full v3.0.6

Question DOCU-06

Can you provide overall system and/or application architecture diagrams, including a full description of the data flow for all components of the system?

High RiskNo
Compliant AnswerYes

Standard Guidance

EDUCAUSE provides no guidance here

Answering "NO"

Provide a detailed summary of overall system and/or application architecture.

Answering "YES"

Provide your diagrams (or a valid link to it) upon submission.

Reason for Question

Managing and protecting institution data is the reason organizations perform security and risk assessments. Privacy policies outline how vendors will obtain, use, share, and protect institutional data and as such, should be robust in its language. Beware of vaguely worded privacy policies.

Follow-Up Inquiries

Inquire about any privacy language the vendor may have. It may not be ideal but there may be something available to assess or enough to have your legal counsel or policy/privacy professionals review.

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