HECVAT Full v3.0.6

Question DCTR-07

If outsourced or co-located, is there a contract in place to prevent data from leaving the institution's data zone?

High RiskNo
Compliant AnswerYes

Standard Guidance

EDUCAUSE provides no guidance here

Answering "NO"

EDUCAUSE provides no guidance here

Answering "YES"

Summarize the strategy for removing the institution's data from its data zone.

Reason for Question

Data exposure is a risk if sensitive data is in any way transported (physically or electronically) into a data zone that is not authorized by the institution. Depending on the criticality of data and institution policy, full control of data confidentiality may be highly valued.

Follow-Up Inquiries

Follow-up inquiries for data backup procedures/practices will be institution/implementation specific.

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