HECVAT Full v3.0.6
Change Management

Question CHNG-06

Does the system support client customizations from one release to another?

High RiskYes
Compliant AnswerYes

Standard Guidance

Ensure that all relevant details pertaining to CHNG-06 are clearly stated in your response.

Answering "NO"

Clarify the lack of support strategy for client customizations from one release to another.

Answering "YES"

Describe or provide reference to your solution support strategy in regard to maintaining client customizations from one release to another.

Reason for Question

The vendor's software/product/service characteristics and the institution's use case will determine the relevancy of this question. The purpose of this question is to understand the underlying infrastructure and how it is maintained across all customers.

Follow-Up Inquiries

In cases where the software/product/service is customized for customer use cases, ensure the vendor's response covers all aspects of code migration, including backups, data conversions, local resources from the institution, etc., as it relates to code upgrades and/or version adoptions.

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