HECVAT Full v3.0.6
Change Management

Question CHNG-05

Do you have a fully implemented solution support strategy that defines how many concurrent versions you support?

High RiskNo
Compliant AnswerYes

Standard Guidance

List the current version you support and what percentage of customers are utilizing that version.

Answering "NO"

Clarify the lack of support strategy for concurrent versions in your product/service.

Answering "YES"

Describe or provide a reference to your solution support strategy in regard to maintaining software currency (i.e., how many concurrent versions are you willing to run and support?).

Reason for Question

Supporting multiple versions of a product is challenging. Understanding the vendor’s strategy and resources will provide insight into their ability to adequately support their customers.

Follow-Up Inquiries

Follow-up inquiries for the vendor’s support of concurrent versions will be institution/implementation specific.

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